pharmasave Westmount Place Pharmacy

The decision to quit smoking is an important, positive step towards improving your health.

smoking cessation

Our pharmacist can help you in a number of ways, including:

  • Helping you determine if you’re ready to quit
  • Providing materials that can help you prepare to quit and supporting you during the quitting process
  • Meeting with you for follow-up sessions to monitor your progress
  • Recommending and prescribing a medication that can help you quit, if you are a suitable candidate.

"The Ontario Government supports the role of the pharmacist as part of an integrated team that provides an enhanced level of care to their patients. The Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy also recognizes pharmacists as valuable support for Ontarians who want to quit smoking. As such, community pharmacists are currently funded by the Ontario Government for their expertise in providing a smoking cessation program to Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) recipients.


Quick Facts:

If you’re ready to take the next step, please talk to the pharmacist about your options.

Quitting smoking is difficult. That’s why it’s important to get as much support as you can.

live well with pharmasave